Because I pray that someday our girls will marry someone as awesome as their dad, and our boys will be the kind of husband and father he is....
This is not an everyday occurrence nor is it totally rare, but after being gone the entire day for Super Saturday I arrived home to find my house cleaner than I left it (I just cleaned yesterday!!)
Dad dusted off the tops of all our cabinets (including all the nick-nacks on top of them and the shelves inside), polished the outsides, washed all the dishes, cleaned the garage, washed the car, resealed the kids shower, took Keaton to McDonalds for lunch, he had done the yard and seeded the grass this morning before I left and when I walked in the door I got a cheerful greeting! Thanks babe you just made my whole week. To even make it better Keaton was his shadow all day and was so proud to tell me all the things they had accomplished. (Priceless)
One of my greatest wishes is for the 4 of you to learn from this awesome example, love to work hard and take care of the things you have and serve others just because you can!! Your dad is one of the hardest working, loving, kind and PATIENT people I have ever met and I don't want you to take any of it for granted. YOU are so blessed!!!
I love ya FOREVER.....
8 years ago
That is so awesome! I am hoping one day my hubby will do something like that for me but I highly doubt it! LOL... Maybe when Grant gets a little older. Good Job Eric you earn the Best Hubby Award for the YEAR!
Wow! Mr. Wonderful to the rescue. What a great thing to come home to. I'm sure that made your whole weekend. Brent can sure hang with Eric anytime he wants.
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