For some of you it might be unfathomable that I could "let" my husband travel half way around the world to hunt for 2 weeks, and then to bring back 7 animals that could potentially be hanging on my wall, well let me break it down for you!!! When you you have a man as awesome as mine it's a no brainer!! One of the biggest reasons I don't have a problem with it is he has just showed myself and our 4 kids that is possible to make your dreams come true and it is possible to set a goal and make it happen!!! That is huge for me, he has planned and saved to be able to do this for 2-3 years so I say way to go babe! Next I really couldn't ask for a better father or companion. We are truly team mates working towards the same goal and most of the time we enjoy it. Eric is such a get in and get it done guy, works hard everyday and pretty much never complains. He gives me the same love and support that I show him and encourages me to set goals and reach them so how could I begrudge him his. I am so proud that he was able to do this and so are our kids. I hope it is everything he wanted it to be and look forward to setting and reaching our next goal!!
It was kind of a personal thing for me to. I am such an independent person I loved proving to myself that I could manage for 2 weeks on my own and we did!! The kids and I had a good last 2 weeks of summer and we were quite productive!! While he was gone I kept the pool clean, we took the garbage out all by ourselves, kept the yard work up without killing the grass, straightened the garage, got the carpet cleaned, got his car fixed, had the truck detailed among all the daily stuff!! I think the hardest part was not being able to talk to him whenever I felt like.
I plan on some how posting a link of the video we made of his trip but for now I am going to just post some of my favorite pictures. I asked Eric what his favorite part of the trip was and he said all of it!!! Experiencing a different culture and just all of it!!
Personally I thought it was awesome that he was able to shoot a cheetah. They are gorgeous animals and it's such a rare thing to get to do. We are a little sad that it doesn't get to come home but at east we have pics.
Those are some really great pictures!!! It looks like he had SO much fun! That stinks not to be able to bring the cheetah home, but you could always go to mexico and get one of those big cheetah blankets and call it good :) Well good job on keeping everything going while he was gone, you did much better than I would have done that is for sure!!! Poor Andre would have come home to long grass and and a messy garage... I'll admit it! Looks like you will lots of meat for a long time.. but the yucky stinky warthog should be the dogs food!
Way to go Eric!!! What an amazing trip of a life time and what an incredible goal to achieve. I knew you'd make it through those long two weeks being the capable strong woman you are. Love the pics and can't wait to see where you're going to put all the mounts!!!
Wow It is so great that Eric had the oppertunity to go to africa! It's amaizing he shot all those animals! Is your house going to become a museum?
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